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Internet Browser Report Viewer PDF Viewer
Important Notice:  for best results when using Quotit XO/iPro, we recommend using Microsoft Internet Explorer. 

Netscape browsers are not supported at this time.
A one time download of approximately 4 MB is required in order to view dynamic reports.

To install this ActiveX report viewer, click the link below and, when prompted, save the file. From the Start menu, choose Run and enter the full path to where you saved the downloaded program, or from the Windows Explorer select the downloaded file, and double click on it. This will install the plug-in. Once you have installed the plug-in you must restart your Microsoft or Netscape browsers. 
Most forms and applications are presented in PDF format.  To view these documents, you must download and install a free viewer from Adobe. 

The basic version is 9 MB, while the full version is 16 MB.  Download times are based on your connection speed.